
Sunday 15 May 2016

FITNESS: Running for Beginners

I have never been a runner and if I was being chased I would probably surrender as I wouldn't get very far at all.
However, most recently I have decided that although I am not interested in running a marathon, I do want to start running to keep fit and healthy.

I did my second EVER run on a Friday evening along the seafront. As I don't feel very confident about running or having people look at me, I wanted to do it at a time when it's getting dark but not so dark that I can't see where I am going. The choice of location was on purpose. Not only is there a nice breeze to keep you cool, but it looks amazingly pretty when the sun has set and the skies are all colourful. It kept me going and motivated me!

I ran 2.5 miles which was an exceptional achievement considering I haven't run since 2008. Even back then it was a one off 'fun run'.
I only ran a distance I knew I could achieve and was realistic about my goal. I didn't want to push myself over the edge and wear myself out and put myself off from running. It made me so happy to complete that distance and actually enjoy running.

The 3 main points that kept me focussed and motivated were:
1) Having a running buddy. This is so important when you first start and don't feel 100% confident. You can motivate each other and you are both doing it so you don't feel alone!
2) Breathing properly. You need to ensure your breathing is controlled otherwise you will feel tired a lot quicker and you won't be able to pace yourself to go the distance that you want.
3) Thinking of your long term fitness goal. Mine is to tone up my body and lose a little weight. Just thinking about what my body may look like keeps me going and willing to put in all the effort.

What you wear on your feet is also equally important. You need a trainer that is going to support your feet and allow you to run comfortably. Running in your converse or dolly shoes isn't going to help; it may cause injuries and you won't be able to run very well.

I hope this helps all of you who want to try running!!

Until next time, xo.

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